Saturday, June 14, 2008


So, my cousin's wife just had twins. I got the hideous pictures in my email today and it just boggles my mind that the gods that be would let people like those two reproduce... and then I realize that the gods DIDN'T want it to happen, that's why they had to do all that expensive in-vitro fertilization crap. ugh. If it honestly comes to that, why wouldn't you just adopt? There are so many wonderful children in the US and across the world that need parents. But not parents like my redneck cousin. That's for damn sure.

On the subject of babies... it is more and more glaring that many mothers of my friends had my friends when they were not very much older than I am right now. I'm 22. Most people get that party started at... now. I don't want anything to do with that. I'm terrified out of my mind about even getting an OK job until I go to grad school. I can't even commit to getting a hamster right now. I don't know why I even freak out about this stuff but then it's like... how can I NOT freak out about it. I know that shit isn't for me right now but having to look at it seriously in the face is terrifying. Even writing this makes me feel kind of sick.

I think I'm just way too bored. I need a job.

You should look at this (NSFW) it's hilarious.

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