Monday, July 5, 2010

Holiday red, white, and BLUES

I'm surrounded by wonderful people and still feel so lonely.  I think I've been homesick lately because I just want to be around my mom.  She knows me to the core.  I want someone to see through me so much.  When someone in your life knows you that well and is "taken away" or has to be stifled for whatever reason- I swear it is like being dismembered.

Tonight was the first time I have ever desperately wanted a sibling.  Jesus Christ, I need to get the hell back to Asheville and get a dog.

Maybe when my hormones quit raging and this goddamn virus goes away I will catch the upside of the roller coaster and ride it out for a while.  The clarity I have when I am happy and the clarity I have when I am sad is overwhelming.

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