Friday, July 9, 2010

you go toward Georgetown, I'll go toward Georgia Ave

Here are some things that have happened recently.  I'm on the Boltbus going to NYC right now and bored out of my mind.

1. On the fourth of July I went to a BBQ/ potluck in Takoma Park.  At said event Henry Allen (pulitzer prize winning former writer for the Post) stood on a deck overlooking the party with an American flag draped over his shoulders reading the decleration of independance.  At the conclusion, after four tries, a replica Civil War canon was shot (at nothing in particular).  I ate at least 4 different potato salads.

2. At the wonderful Thai market / cafe I mentioned in my last post I was hanging out eating some sticky rice- killing time.  An old woman came in with a man who seemed to be her son.  She was Asian but not Thai and it was obvious that English was not her first language.  She was acting like a general crotichity old woman- looking at the menu and the food and interrorgating the Thai man behind the counter (who is also older).  She kept saying, "Where is de rice?  Rice?  I do not see de rice!!  Rice rice rice!" and then she looked at the man behind the counter and said, "Do you haveee any rice?!"  and the man said, "OF COURSE WE HAVE RICE!  ASIANS EAT RICE!"  and everyone laughed.  At one point he also offered his glasses to her because she wasn't reading any of the signs posted.  ("CAN'T YOU SEE?  YOU NEED HELP?!")

3. The night before last I had a dream that somehow got tickets to see She & Him at the 9:30 club in DC.  Apparently a man who looked exactly like Neil Young attacked me for having them (?) and I screamed but then I didn't care.  I went to the show with my bff C.  When I woke up it was the kind of wake-up where your eyes just pop open and you sit up and are like BAM.  THAT DREAM NEEDS TO HAPPEN. but not the getting attacked by Neil Young part.

4. Last night I ate dinner with old friend D.  I ate some kind of Indonesian noodle dish which I enjoyed.  Afterward I took him home (cars are magic) and thought it would be too late to catch the She & Him show at the 9:30 club that started at 7.  I got there at about 8:20 thinking, "what am I doing, there is NO WAY I'm going to get in... this show has been sold out for a while..."  But I was resolute to see Zooey (especially after dreaming about seeing her) so I parked my car and marched over to the crowd of DC hipsters (pathetic attempts at hipster).  I waited around a while, no one was selling tickets (9:30 lets you sell tickets at face out front- pretty sweet).  I watched a couple guys buy some tickets and then it was my turn!  I got a ticket for $30 and went in.  It was PACKED and sweaty hot (what isn't sweaty hot these days?).  I pushed towards the front.  She & Him didn't even go on until 9:30 (joke's on me?  is this always how it goes?) It was such a great show.  Zooey is so tiny, I somehow thought she would at least be taller.  She is a very small person.  M. Ward rules.  They played a cover of "Wouldn't it be Nice" which Zooey said they had never played before.  Zooey's eyes sparkle in real life just like they do in pictures.  That was cool.  Also she doesn't smile much but does jump around a lot.  Her voice is perfect.  I hate DC/ hipsters for not dancing at all, I know it was packed and stuff but standing there like you're in a conference or something is ridiculous, especially with that music.  I danced alone.

5. At the 9:30 club they are very strict about bringing in cameras.  If they find one in your bag they will take it away and make you check it.  They found mine (tears) but they didn't find my FISHEYE FILM CAMERA so I took pics with that.  HAHAHA WHO IS THE MOST HIPSTER OF ALL.  THIS GIRL.  I still really wish I had known about the camera rule, it would have been so easy to sneak it in my bra or in a zipper pocket in my purse.  Damn.

6. I was walking to the Takoma Park metro this afternoon and passed by a young man.  He looked at me and said "hey, try to stay cool and have a good day!" and I said "thank you!  You do the same!"  I LOVE TAKOMA PARK.

7. Oh, the hot.  Being hot makes me forget to eat.

8. I really need to start actively giving up dairy.  It makes me feel so sick.  I ate frozen yogurt twice in one day the other day (hard to resist when you're so goddamn hot in the city) and felt SO BAD afterward.  I know I'm lactose intolerant- it's just hard when the only reprocussions are feeling terrible for a while- which apparently I have been unknowingly dealing with for several years so I'm used to how it feels.  I am going to use Zooey for inspiration, she is allergic to dairy.

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