Monday, November 16, 2009

broken heart remix

"today my eyes are in a state of either watering up and about to cry or recovering from watering up. it was one or the other, all day.

I just want to hide, or run, or unzip myself out of this life and into someone elses, or just hit rewind for a couple years. I feel so bad. I hope the bear that has been patrolling the intersection of Broadway and Merrimon that I heard in my backyard last week comes and eats me in my sleep tonight.

I am trying to quit the internet for a while but the alternatives for right now include beer, sleeping, some books I'm not excited about, and an entire world that I'm not interested in. what am I doing."

I wrote this on July 20 but it all comes back. I hope the bear is still around. I am so sad.

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