Monday, May 11, 2009

Dumpster Diving

So, it's university move-out season. Now that I'm not in school anymore I decided to get in on some dumpster diving to see what I could find. These pictures are of all the loot I found over 4 days. Let it be known that I am careful in a dumpster and I don't take anything unless it's coming from a reasonably clean bag of trash/box, etc. I may write more about how to dumpster dive soon- it is certainly worth it!

Day 4: tree wall paper, record coasters, Office DVD, Macbook (broken to hell), bed risers, paint, nike sweatband still in package, apple earbuds, dryer sheets, pens, books
Darth Vader mask, crown, origami paper...
Lots of cool clothes...
A LOT of Garnier Fruictese hair products, dish soap, hand soap, advil, lots of facewashes, hairties...
Clorox wipes, dryer sheets....
lots of food! Ramen, oatmeal, hot sauce (2 kinds!), lots of granola bars and snacks, 6 beers, organic canned soups....
2 Sigg water bottles, tupper wear, sandwich bags, lottsss of snack nori, more bars...

Day 3: paper towels, mac and cheese, candy, lots of easy mac, running shoes in my size, bars, lottss of kid clif bars, a big box of organic animal crackers, tons of aleve medicine packs...
a recycling bin (WHAT THE HELL, GUYS?!), a turtle basket, two umbrellas
5 bras!
Day 2: basically all of Trader Joe's was in the trash.. organic everything!!!

lots of laundry things and hair products, an entire pack of first class stamps (?!), 4 DC metro cards with money on them...
north face backpack!!
This was from day 1:

In addition to all this my friends and I found a LOT of textbooks (there are two boxes of them in my hallway). We are going to sell all of them and split the money. Awesome town! So let this be a lesson to you all to reduce what you buy, reuse what you have, and for goodness sake recycle everything else. This stuff was ALL IN DUMPSTERS OR TRASH AREAS. Unbelievable!

Hopefully I'll update the blog more often. I want to do a segment about crazy deals I find at Goodwill and dumpster trips.